Venue B Conference Center | 2018


The Building is located next to the vibrant waterfront of XuhuiRiverside in the heart of Shanghai. It is adjacent to the West Bund Art Center(Building A) and many other art spaces such as the West Bund Art Museum, theTank Shanghai Art Parkand the Longhua Heliport. Along with the gathering ofartificial intelligence conference and technology industries, the integrationof art and technology has become a new topic of riverside urbanizations at theWest Bund. Through simple form, pragmatic construction, cyborg ingenuity(man-machine cooperation) and fully prefabricated structure system, we are ableto quickly realize the green, industrialized and intelligent architecture, andfully present the systematic solution for digital construction.

The twist of thethree main buildings of Venue B creates two triangular park entrances – ashared urban green space with shelter and semi-openings. After stepping intothis garden, you can immediately feel the warmth of the timber structure. Theblend of white and wood is an unexpected surprise, and it is also a space thatmakes people relaxed and willing to stay and interact.

The sharedgarden is separated into two triangles, which are naturally defined as onemoving and one static space. Both courtyards are covered with digitalprefabricated timber vaulted roof, in which the larger one has a span of 40meters and its structural thickness is only about 0.5 meters. It is the mosteconomical inter-supported steel-wood roof in the world.

Throughalgorithms, the form is slightly arched and the force is evenly distributed.The overall arch is balanced by the lateral arrangement of the steel trussesand is further reinforced at the three corners. The inner timber arches areoptimized to the double-hollow superimposed beams, and the geometricaldimensions of all the beams are further refined by digital form-finding, sothat every single beam can be optimally materialized during gluing. Theinstallation process only requires 3-4 labors, which has significantly improvedthe construction efficiency on site. All beam heads are optimized in aparametric manner and such data is then used to guide the digital fabricationfor milling and boring. The joints feature a standardized hollow aluminumstructure that further reduces roof weight while facilitating prefabricationand on-site construction.

In the middleof the garden, we designed and built theworld's largest 3D Robotic Printed Coffee Pavilion, which includes a coffeebar, tables, chairs, and other facility rooms. The form for the pavilion isrealized through 5 pairs of arches. The shape logic is determined through theplane lines,and the arching mode is confirmed according to forces. The printingmethod is gradually optimized to completely integrate the force, form andconstruction process.

The pavilion uses a series of structural optimization technology, whichincludes algorithm for structural topology analysis to simulate the structuralperformance of the original shape. Meanwhile, the space printing process ofmodified plastic is also realized through the algorithm of robotic technology.Waste plastics are recycled and specially modified to form a lightweight andhigh-strength structure.

The large-spanand lightweight structure of the 3D pavilion is realized through robotic spaceprinting techniques. The entire process from design to construction celebratesthe cooperation of man-machine intelligence, which is also the reason for suchrapid construction. In total, digital design and fabrication technologies havehelped to achieve 200 m² printed building areas, 40 printed chairs and 12tables within 25 days.



Service: Integrated Digital Construction

Construction: 05. 2018 - 08. 2018

Location: Longtengdadao ,Xuhui District, Shanghai